Xthones empresa dedicada a Medicina y salud y Salud y Belleza
Billion dollar Health & Wellness company currently seeking business partners! International Health & Wellness company XanGo is looking to open a new market in Colombia and we are currently looking for business men and women to join our team. We have been in business for 10 years and currently operate in 40 countries. We are only seeking a few select individuals to work with closely, (one-on-one), to aide them in build huge organizations. Watch the short video we have put together and it will give you more information on the opportunity. Contact me with any questions you may have and we can set up a time to meet and talk furtherWe market functional wellness products that have the backing of several US major medical institutes and have been researched and written about by many Doctors, currently, there is around 2000 medical journals showing the validity of our products and the benefit to the body.
En estas categorias vas a poder encontrar cosas como Salud y Belleza. Pero tambien podes encontrar Medicina y salud
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